21 October 2016
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2 min read
October celebrates both Halloween and World Food Day, so why not spend some time creating waste-free Halloween decorations? We've compiled a list of 5 great Halloween crafts along with how you can help cut down on food waste (and don't forget to read about Florence!)
Eco-Friendly Halloween Crafts

Making Halloween crafts and decorations can be a great Autumn activity. As it turns out, discarded items make for pretty awesome festive home decor. Not only will you be creating cheap Halloween decorations for your home, you'll also be doing it in an eco-friendly, sustainable way.
We've put together five of our favourite crafts from around the web, which can be found at the below links.
Candy Corn Bottle Vases
Tin Can Pumpkins
DIY Cardboard Haunted House
Paper Mache Puppets
Toilet Paper Roll Halloween Party Favours
World Food Day 2016

October 16 celebrated the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) in 1945, an opportunity for us to come together and declare our commitment to eradicating hunger.
Each year has a theme, and this year's was all about climate change. The organisation says: "Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too." The FAO argues that we can end hunger in our lifetime, and World Food Day is a day where we can take stock and think about how we can help.
Here's how you can help cut down on food waste:
1. Don't buy more than you need
2. Eat your leftovers
3. Make sure you're storing food properly
4. Think about your portion sizes
5. Donate to food banks
Florence: The 5 year old litter-picker on a mission

Somerset's litter problems have inspired a five-year-old girl to take matters into her own hands. Armed with her trusty litter-picker and a jacket a few sizes too big, Florence Parsons has started cleaning the streets of Yeovil herself after taking part in a summer 'street-clean.'
Florence has even recorded her own message on social media, telling viewers how they can help in their own ways, and that excuses aren't accepted. It seems little Florence is a big force to be reckoned with, and hopefully her passion will inspire others to help keep Somerset streets clean too.